Visual Identity Guidelines


Can I have a digital business card?

Yes, but you need to make sure of the logo placement and specification on the business card.

Can I co-brand on letterhead?

No, you can’t add any other logos to the official letterhead.

Can I add the Nation Brand logo on our letterheads?

No, you can’t add any other logos to the official letterhead.

Can I add the yearly initiative logo on the letterhead or the business card?

No, you can’t add any other logos to the official stationery. However, the yearly initiative logo can be added to the bottom of the email signature.

Can I add two job titles on the business card? Ex. A practicing Dr. with an office title as well

Yes, two job titles can be added to the business card as long as both are under the same entity.

Can I change the paper type on the letterhead or the business card?

No, all essential stationary must follow the paper specifications mentioned in the guideline.

Can I add barcode on our business cards?


Do we add the entity's full logo on the posts for social media channels?

No, you only add the wordmark logo to the post.

Can I add other links and contacts to the profile section?

No, you only add the official website link.

Can I use alternative fonts on social media posts?

Yes, you can use different fonts for social media posts.

Can I add more than one logo on a social media post?

No, only add one logo to allow space for the artwork and content.

Do I have to use only the colors mentioned in the guideline for social media posts?

Is there a specific size to follow for Instagram and twitter posts?

its preferred to use the suitable size for each social media platform.  (computers and smartphones)

Is it a must to add all handlers for our social media channels on all posts?

No, you only add them whenever needed, especially for campaigns and call for action posts.

Can we post black and white pictures through our official accounts?

Yes, if it is relevant to the content and the design of the artwork.

Can I use the UAE federal emblem as a pin or post it on gift items?

No, the Federal emblem to be used by the UAE President and Prime minister only.

Do we need to add the entity’s logo on the desktop wallpaper?

You can use the entity’s logo on desktop wallpapers. You can also use logo of campaigns and initiatives on desktop wallpapers.

Where can I place the UAE Nation Brand logo on my advertisement?

The Nation Brand logo can be added whenever necessary to support your advertisement and campaigns and its messages. You can visit for the guideline and the placement.

Can we use the vertical bilingual Ministry logo on the building façade?

Yes if the space does not allow to use the winged logo.

Does the logo have to be installed only on a white background in the reception area?

No, the logo can be installed on dark background such as wood or leather. Please refer back to the guideline for specifications.

Do we need to place the UAE flag in our reception area?

Ministries and Authorities only have to place a flag in the reception area.

Can we use the Official Minister logo as a watermark ?

The Minister logo cannot be used as a watermark.

Can we change the design on the certificates?

No, you have to follow the certificate template included in the guideline.

Can we have the step and repeat wall for the MOU signing?

No, the step and repeat wall is designed as interview background in events and conferences only.

Can we brand our VIP gift items with the entity’s logo?

The entity's logo can be used on boxes only, not the items. The wordmark logo to be used on the gift items.

Can we add the entity’s logo on vests and uniform shirts?

Only school uniforms can have the logo. Other ministries and entities can use the wordmark logo on uniforms if required.

Can we create our own PowerPoint design?

Yes you can. However, the entity’s logo must be included in the cover slide. Also, the social media channels can be added to the last slide.

Are we restricted with the look of the booth design?

The booth can be designed as per your entity’s need, making sure to follow the correct logo placement. Suggested design can be sent to

When the Ministry is a sponsor, can the logo be placed at the bottom of the advertisement.

If the Ministry is with a group of sponsors, the logo can be placed at the bottom of the advertisement, keeping in mind to place it the first logo on the left. In case the ministry is the only sponsor, the logo should be placed on the top right corner of the advertisement.